Calytrix as the Prime for the U.S. Army's 'Games for Training' Program
In 2013 Calytrix Technologies was selected to Prime the U.S. Army's first-person shooter training system known as Games for Training (GFT). The program ran for four years from June 2013 to June 2017.
The Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation (PEO STRI) awarded Calytrix the contract to provide program management and delivery of a U.S. Army-wide enterprise level license for a game-based training solution. Both Calytrix and BISim (our GFT Subcontractor) played important roles in the successful delivery of the predecessor Game after Ambush! (GAA) program, and the award of GFT was a natural progression in delivering high quality game-based training to the U.S. Army.
Calytrix Technologies, as the prime contractor, was responsible for delivering the required software, training and technical support. The CEO of Calytrix, Mr. Shawn Parr, said at the time "Calytrix is very proud to have been selected as the prime for GFT. The effective training of Soldiers is an extremely important task and Calytrix doesn't take its responsibility to the U.S. Army lightly. We will provide the best possible management, software and training to support the Army's warfighters." Calytrix honoured that commitment, even opening a new office in Orlando in order to best support the U.S. Army.
The complete software package fielded for GFT included BISim's VBS3 virtual training environment; SimCentric's VBS Fusion, VBS Fires module, Insurgent and Crowd Ambience; and Calytrix's LVC Game HLA/DIS gateway, CNR Sim Pro, CNR Log, CNR Effects communications software. The package reflected a comprehensive gaming system that served the U.S. Army well.