JSAF Australia
TThe Joint Semi Automated Forces (JSAF) is a constructive simulation application developed by the United Stated Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) with the aim of providing high fidelity entity level simulation to support training and experimentation exercises.
JSAF has been used in a variety of experiments and training exercises, and is regularly used not only by the ADO but also by its coalition partners. Both the ADF relies heavily on JSAF to provide constructive elements to very large training events such as the Talisman Sabre series of exercises.
JSAF is commonly used to deliver simulation support to command post exercises, provide a complete synthetic battle space for part task trainers or provide an environment within which new capabilities may be tested and analysed. JSAF, in conjunction with the Defence Synthetic Environment, can link to part task trainers, C2 systems and broader Live, Virtual and Constructive environments.
Calytrix Activities
Calytrix Technologies, on behalf of the Australian Defence Simulation Office (ADSO), developed and maintained the Joint Semi Automated Forces constructive simulation as a key component of its Defence Synthetic Environment (DSE).
Calytrix provided full support for JSAF, including development of ADO representations and behaviours, training, development, operator support for exercises and general application support via its online website and helpdesk. Calytrix realigned Australian JSAF activities to develop JSAF AS2, to include:
- Annual development and release of a major JSAF Australian Version (JSAF AS), based on the JSAF International Versions released by JFCOM.
- On going JSAF configuration management.
- On-line email/phone support to ADSO/ADO JSAF Users.
- Development and release of a minor version of the JSAF Australian Version. This may occur in conjunction with JFCOM releasing a minor upgrade.
- Execution of an annual (one per year) JSAF operator training course for up to 20 students.
Calytrix continues to utilise JSAF in support of major Defence training events and remains responsible for conducting operator training prior to conduct of major exercises.