OneSAF (AS) Development
Working with the Army Simulation Group Calytrix developed an unparalleled level of OneSAF knowledge in Australia. Working proactively with the Army Simulation Group (ASG) Calytrix helped shape and develop the OneSAF Australia release.
Calytrix was contracted as the core OneSAF developer for OneSAF behaviours and development documentation. Calytrix and ASG collectively, made significant investments to build a team and capability that is now arguably the most experienced OneSAF resource in Australia.
During the contract period Calytrix was responsible for the definition, implementation and delivery of a raft of OneSAF products including:
- Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) for OneSAF International. Development of DFDs detailing the systems processes, the collections of data and the flows of data within the OneSAF International version.
- OneSAF Algorithm Library. Compiling a list of all algorithms utilised in OneSAF and depicting their purpose, conventions, data sources and effects in an Algorithm Library for subsequent analysis.
- OneSAF Australian Behavioural Database Content. Providing content within the Commonwealth database from which any Australian developed behaviour and/or entity in OneSAF can be analysed against relevant doctrine, documentation and Subject Matter Expert (SME) verification and validation results.
- OneSAF Australian Behavioural Documentation. Development of Behavioural Documentation for a large number of combat and logistic related behaviours.
- OneSAF Australian Behavioural Development. Behavioural Development includes the development of the behaviours documented in the repository through the creation of new data types, the creation of Java data wrapper files, placing the Java classes and XML data files in the appropriate extension folder, developing new primitive and composite behaviours and implementing the final composite behaviour. Testing and verification/validation with the Commonwealth is to occur throughout this process.
- OneSAF Simulation Object Runtime Database (SORD) and High Level Architecture (HLA) Scoping Document. An investigation of the use of the SORD between OneSAF and Virtual Battle Space 2 (VBS2) / Steel Beasts Professional including the issues associated with correlation and communication between the simulations.
- Enhancements to Live-Virtual-Constructive (LVC) Game entities. The LVC Game entities currently available require expansion in order to allow inclusion of all entities that will be developed for use within OneSAF.
- OneSAF and JSAF DIS Mapping. Develop a link between OneSAF and Joint Semi Automated Forces (JSAF) allowing control of air force and naval assets in JSAF thereby producing the required effects on OneSAF and JSAF (including weapon effects) with correlated entities.
Throughout the execution of this work Calytrix worked as an integrated team member, demonstrating strong project management in a changing environment; flexibility in the nature and scope of deliverables and above all working hard to ensure the final product was of high quality and met the intended result.