The Calytrix CNR suite of products combine to provide more than a collection of COTS products. Together they are baseline communications platform that can be readily embedded into all manner of simulators and simulation tools. The CNR Software Development Kit gives integrators the tools they need to leverage the communications platform.

A Proven Deployment Platform

Calytrix itself makes significant use of the CNR-Sim and CNR-Log development kits to build our product base and integrate the platform into other tools. Our CNR-Skins and CNR-Monitor tools are built directly on the CNR-Sim SDK. The CNR-Log SDK is the cornerstone of communications support for Calytrix CSE After Action Review tool. Calytrix has also build demonstrations on top of virtual environments such as Unity3D.

Cross Platform

The CNR family of tools is supported across multiple versions of Windows and several Linux distributions. It is designed to support simulation environments in any type of deployment configuration, from small, embedded devices up to big-iron. The kit comes with intefaces for Java and C++ in 32 and 64-bit.

Develop for Free

Calytrix does not charge for the use of our development kit. It is included for free with every copy CNR package. To use the SDK at runtime, developers and users require a copy of CNR-Sim Base or Pro. Through the SDK developers can create new CNR-Sim radios on the network or connect to ones that are already running. The SDK and documentation is included with every version of CNR and is readily available to all users.

Download CNR SDK

The CNR Software Development Kit ships with each copy of CNR. Get an evaluation copy today and see how CNR can be integrated into your platform.

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Technical Notes

Cross Platform

The CNR-SDK is supported across multiple versions of Windows and multiple Linux distributions. The SDK is continuously used to build Calytrix tools and support third-party applications. The following operating systems are currently supported:

Windows 7

32-bit and 64-bit

Windows 8

32-bit and 64-bit

Ubuntu Linux

12.04 and 14.04 LTS 64-bit

CentOS Linux

Version 6.x 64-bit

Redhat Enterprise Linux

Version 6.x 64-bit

Java and C++

The CNR SDK provides Application Program Interfaces for Java and C++. It is supported on the following platforms and compilers:

  • Java 7 and Java 8 Standard Edition
  • Visual Studio 2008 32/64-bit
  • Visual Studio 2010 32/64-bit
  • Linux with GNC GCC v4.4+ 64-bit

Embed or Remote Control

Through the SDK instances of CNR-Sim and CNR-Log can be embedded into client applications, where their full lifecylce is managed within the system. Alternatively, SDK clients can connect to already running CNR-Sim and CNR-Log applications and remote control them, allowing for flexibility in deployment.

Communications and AAR

Support for both the core radio communications platform and After Action Review is provided as separate parts of the SDK. The CNR-Sim SDK provides support to the underlying radio simulation while the CNR-Log SDK provides support for recording and replaying communications traffic.

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Get your free evaluation copy of CNR by contacting Calytrix support now!

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